Second Collection - Church in Africa

Jul 13
Jul 14

Second Collection - Church in Africa
July 13 & 14

Weekend of July 16. The Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa was founded on the basic principles of Pope John Paul II's call to action in Ecclesia in Africa and the adoption of the statement A Call to Solidarity with Africa from the bishops of the United States. "The critical challenges and enormous potential facing Africa today serve as the opportunity for--and test of--our mutual solidarity. Our response to this vocation of solidarity with the Church and peoples of Africa enables us to express love 'in deed and in truth' (1 John 3:18), a love that creates no borders and sets no limits to what might be accomplished together in Christ." --United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Call to Solidarity with Africa (2001) Africa faces the economic and social hurdles of enormous debt, epidemic, severe poverty, and political unrest. In spite of these challenges, the Church in Africa has almost tripled in size in the past 30 years. However, it is difficult for the church to sustain its growth and maintain essential pastoral outreach. The Fund provides grants to finance pastoral projects including outreach programs, schools, evangelization, and education of clergy and lay ministers. Our solidarity is necessary to help the "salt of the Earth" Church in Africa realize its potential as a "light of the world."

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