This weeks lesson was on marriage.
Unfortunately, the lesson was not recorded.
Father Tilley started the lesson by sharing a story about Heath White. Please read the two articles below about Heath. Heath's story was shared as an example of what love does - it changes you.
Father then explained that it is impossible to understand the Church's view on marriage if you do not understand that Jesus died on the cross for YOU, each and every one of us, every single human being on earth. Jesus died for us because of his immense LOVE for each of us. Jesus poured out himself, everything about himself for us. He was stabbed to be sure he was dead and blood and water gushed forth. He is the premier example of how to love. Love is about willing the good of the other. Love is about sacrifice, sacrifice for the other. Most of us are called to the sacrament of Marriage where we are all called to love like Jesus did. Thankfully, it is unlikely any of us will be called to die out of love for another like Jesus did.
Marriage is a sacrament and the love shared between a man and a woman in marriage has special meaning. Father shared a handout, Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of the Supreme Pontiff. Please read this handout below next.
Father spent time explaining the excerpt of Humanae Vitae. The video below provides a summary of the document. Watch it after reading the Humanae Vitae document.
Click HERE to answer questions on the lesson.